Mark was born on March 15, 1972. He attended Burroughs High School in Ridgecrest, California. Mark’s father’s name is Tex and his mother is Connie. He also has a younger sister Anne, who once was dating Tom but now is with Damon from Fenix TX. He is the bassist and other vocalist of Blink 182 and frequently appears naked on stage. He was nude at MTV’s Castaway Countdown, during the band’s performance of “What’s My Age Again?” and again at KROQ’s 1999 Weenie Roast. As if this wasn’t enough he took an inflatable sheep on stage at a show in Boston and shoved a drumstick up his ass and threw it into the crowd – nice guy giving away free shit like that (lol…that was funny hey…) He has also said he hates playing shows in Europe…so why the fuck don’t you come and play more in Oz then? He is an awesome song writer; He wrote Dammit in 5 minutes about a break up that never happened, “Going Away To College” on Valentine’s Day after watching the movie Can’t Hardly Wait and Adam’s song was inspired by a magazine article about a boy who commited suicide. He is the only member of Blink 182 that doesn’t have a tattoo and hates the taste of beer. He has an ear-ring in his right nipple and another in his left ear. He is married to Skye Everly who works at MTV doing various jobs (you can hear him say her name in “What’s my age Again?” on the “Mark, Tom and Travis Show” Album). At every Blink concert, he writes a message on his speaker with white duct tape. Anything from Hi Mum, to “I have no idea where I am.” Once he even wrote a message to Sky after they had been fighting over who loved the other more…he wrote “I Love you More.” Mark’s hero of all time is Homer J Simpson and his favourtie movie is “Caddyshack.” His favourite bands are “Jimmy Eat World” “Riverfenix” and “Get Up Kids” and his nickname is “Fish Guts.”